Portable Ballet bars, code 113-Mobil
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Portable Ballet bars, code 113-Mobil

Product 10 / 16 * Products in the same category
Product name

Portable Ballet bars, code 113-Mobil

Product code 113-Mobil

Product price £219.00 each * Shipping included to UK. The price doesn't include customs taxes.

Dimensions: 76 cm

Warranty : 10 years

Delivery: 7-10 days

Transport fee: £0.00 each

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Portable Ballet bars made by Artimex Sport.
Lenght 137 cm.
Weight 7 kg.
Adjustable height  from 85 to 135 cm
Easy to take with you.
Warranty 10 years.
All wood products are lacquered with environmentally friendly water-based lacquers.
Code 113-Mobil