Metall Pull Up bars with side handles, for Wall Bars, code 258
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Metall Pull Up bars with side handles, for Wall Bars, code 258

Product 12 / 37 * Products in the same category
Product name

Metall Pull Up bars with side handles, for Wall Bars, code 258

Product code 258

Product price £169.00 piece * Shipping included to UK. The price doesn't include customs taxes.

Dimensions: 1080 mm

Warranty : 5 years

Delivery: 7-10 days

Transport fee: £0.00 piece

- or - 

Pull up-bars can be attached at any height on wall bars.
For pull ups and stretching exercises.
1200 mm total width, 800 mm on the wall bar.
Strong metal construction with metal bar.
With 2 hand grips from vinyl, 215 x Ø 30 mm each.
Can be used of any Artimex Sport Wall Bars.
Will support up to 145 kg.
Colours: blackwhiteorange.
Warranty 10 years.


This product can be used only for metal Wall Bars.

Have fasteners on the back to keep the handles stable.
See fixation on the Stall Bar.
See drawing.
Code 258 pull up bar work with all our stall bars.
You can use this products outdoor (See video).
See exercises (video ).
Code 258

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